Monday, October 7, 2013


I would like to introduce you to my beautiful friend Raewyn. One of my favorite things about blogging is making new friends, and the moment I read Raewyn's blog I knew I wanted to be here friend. 

Her Warrior Queen blog is awesome, and the warrior queen movement is inspiring. 

Raewyn defines being a warrior queen as being the best of you in all situation. Being strong enough to let your guard down to those who matter, but not letting anyone walk all over you. Embracing heartbreak by letting it teach you things about yourself. Listening to what others have to say, but making your own decisions. Showing your emotions and dealing with your problems without shame. Being unafraid of falling in love, even multiple times. Doing what's best for yourself gracefully without hurting someone intentionally. Understanding that change is necessary and greet the day. Doing everything with poise and grace, refusing to let others make you feel inferior. 

She says "You are the best of you. If they don't like it, tough luck!"

Now you understand why I wanted to be her friend! This message is so important, especially for young women. I wish I would have been a warrior queen 5 years ago. 

I want this message to reach as many people as possible because I think it is important for women to love themselves and to understand that they are their own person. 

I encourage you all to check out Warrior Queen and I hope you'll support the movement!

Also, if you purchase ad space Raewyn will send you a warrior queen bracelet. She is working on other ways to hook you up with one, so just contact her!

1 comment:

  1. Ah I love this!! Seriously so happy and lucky to have met you!! We've all got our inner Warrior Queen - sometimes we just don't know she's there! I've had so many days where I forgot my WQ existed and that's why I got it aa my first tattoo. But every warrior queen is here to support the others and in your lowest times, that's when we all come together. Thank you so much for sharing this!!!


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